USS Winter Warrior Strongest Showcase

Garage Gym Life Media is honored to be providing the exclusive live stream of the United States Strongman (USS) Winter Warrior Strongest Showcase on Saturday, February 19, 2022. This contest is a sanctioned event with the United States Strongman, and will feature a number of exciting events.

Click Here To Watch the USS Winter Warrior Strongest Showcase

This competition will have a number of exciting events most of which are static tests of limit strength and strength endurance meaning the competitors will be severely taxed in their posterior chain and their grip as the day progresses. Competitors who tend to do well with moving events will find that they might shine in the Sandbag Carry to Zercher Carry but have a hard time with the Sandbag Press, Sandbag Toss and Farmers Hold. Either way, all of the events below will show who truly is the Winter Warrior Strongest and you’ll have a front row seat for all of the action from wherever you choose to watch the stream.


Sandbag Press

The Sandbag Press event will be a clean and press for each rep.  60 seconds to get as many reps as possible.  No tacky or gloves allowed.  Grip shirts are permitted.  Logo grip shirts allowed, but no federation logo grip shirts other than USS grip shirts allowed.

Deadlift Medley

Deadlift Medley will be a 1 rep wagon wheel axle deadlift from ~ 12-inch bar height,  a 1 rep frame deadlift from ~ 17-inch handle height, then a conventional deadlift with a deadlift bar for reps.  The total time will be 60 seconds.  No suits.  Wrists/knee/elbow wraps/sleeves, belts, chalk, lifting straps are all allowed.  Fingers must remain wrapped around the bars on each implement during the lifts.  Touch and go reps for the conventional deadlift are permitted, but no bouncing of weight to gain momentum to complete the rep.   

Sandbag Carry to Zercher Yoke Carry

Sandbag Carry to Zercher Yoke Carry will have a 60 second time limit.  1 drop of each implement will be allowed.  Must complete the sandbag carry to move onto the zercher yoke carry.  Sandbag must be carried in front, no shouldering.  Distance will be measured if time runs out.  You will carry the sandbag 50 ft, then return with the yoke carrying it zercher style 50 ft.   No tacky.  Grip shirts (as described in the sandbag pressing event) wrists/knee/elbow wraps/sleeves, belts, and chalk allowed.  No Tacky. 

Sandbag Toss

Sandbag Toss will have a 60 second time limit.  The athlete will toss the sandbag facing away from the bar and throw the sandbag overhead and behind to clear the implement.  If the sandbag does not clear the bar, the athlete must grab it and retoss it before moving on to the next sandbag.  Sandbags will be thrown lightest to heaviest, and they will be set 10′ from the implement to start. Bar height will be 14 ft for all classes except for women’s lightweight/middleweight and the teen’s divisions, theirs will be 13 ft. The competitor will start touching the implement, move to grab one sandbag at a time, and then position themselves for the toss.   Wrists/knee/elbow wraps/sleeves, belts, chalk are all allowed. No tacky.  

Farmers Hold

Farmers Hold for time will be for a max time, and weight is per hand. Wrists/knee/elbow wraps/sleeves, belts, chalk are all allowed. No tacky 

Find More Info

Visit the Winter Warrior Strongest Facebook page for more information. 

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