A ToughFit Dumbbell set and dumbbell rack

ToughFit Dumbbell Set Review

The ToughFit Dumbbell set is a PEV coated dumbbell set intended for home use. ToughFit sent our guy, Dennis Solis, a set of dumbbells along with an optional rack that you can select at checkout on Amazon for testing and overall, the dumbbell set seems like a decent option for light use in situations where two or more people train at the same time. There are other, more effective options on the market, but the ToughFit dumbbells seem like a reasonably durable solution for first time home gym owners. Let’s dig into it!

ToughFit Dumbbell Specs

The first thing that jumps out about ToughFit dumbbells is their decagonal shape. They provide the best of both worlds in that they stay in place without rolling like hexagonal dumbbells but are slightly easier to store because of their rounder shape. They also have an environmentally friendly PEV urethane coating which has a low odor compared to some hexagonal dumbbells which are made of a recycled rubber that can off gas volatile organic compounds for months.

The dumbbells have a lightly knurled handle making them easier to hold during summer sweat sessions and the handles themselves are a manageable twenty-seven inch diameter.

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Pros and Cons of ToughFit Dumbbells


  • Attractive yellow and black coating
  • Low odor
  • light knurling on handles for a more secure grip
  • PEV coating on the ends for durability


  • No option on Amazon to purchase the entire set from 5-50lbs
  • Costs more than a single adjustable dumbbell set in the same weight range
  • No option to purchase dumbbells heavier than 50lbs
  • Dumbbell rack doesn’t seem sturdy

What About the Dumbbell Rack?

The ToughFit dumbbell rack is an attractive way to store the dumbbells. It’s actually larger than it needs to be as the brand doesn’t currently sell enough dumbbell sizes to fill up the entire rack. This may be a good thing though, as the rack doesn’t quite seem sturdy enough to support the 1,000lbs it’s rated for on Amazon. We could literally feel the frame flexing when we pressed down on the rack which is not ideal for something that’s intended to support hundreds of pounds in weight.

On the plus side, it’s easy to assemble and would look good in any home gym setting but we found that the gaps due to not having enough dumbbells was fairly distracting and triggered our OCD urge to fill in the holes.

Final Thoughts

All in all, the ToughFit Dumbbell set is worth a look if you’re looking to set up a small home workout space in an apartment and you’re not concerned with ever going up in weight. They are aesthetically pleasing and would actually make a decent conversation piece for a fitness junkie with limited space. However, I can’t get past the lack of options for those capable of lifting more than 50lb dumbbells and I’m not very confident in the stability of the dumbbell rack. In my opinion, you might be better served by grabbing a set of Bowflex Adjustable Dumbbells with a stand and using the space you’ll save for another piece of equipment.

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