Drug Free Raw Bencher Jaisyn Mike

Drug Free Raw Bencher, Jaisyn Mike, sits down with us to talk about his powerlifting career, winning IPF gold, how he discovered powerlifting and much more! Watch the exclusive interview on the Garage Gym Life Media YouTube channel today to learn more about this bench press phenom who in his early forties, has no intention of slowing down and in fact, seems to only be getting started!

Is Jaisyn Mike the Strongest Drug Free Raw Bencher in the World?

Jaisyn Mike is one of many often overlooked athletes in fact, if he were not one of several highly accomplished athletes who own home gyms, he might not have come across our radar! But he did and after seeing his awesome stats we had to get an interview with him! Jaisyn has won gold in the International Powerlifting Federation in 2017 and 2018. He’s also lifted an incredible 619.5lbs in the bench press which secured him the Open IPF World Record. He recently bench pressed 600lbs for twenty-two CONSECUTIVE days as part of his training to bench press 300kg. This is in addition to his accomplishments in baseball, tennis, table tennis, BMX and skateboarding.

Watch the Interview on YouTube

Despite his many accomplishments across multiple sports, Jaisyn never forgets where he came from and was very gracious with his time, including a separate interview where he gives advice to novices on how to select the right powerlifting federation for their goals and personality. It was an honor to sit down with one of the strongest natural athletes on YouTube and pick his brain about training, sponsorship, life after competition and much more.

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