Creating Opportunities

Creating opportunities is at the heart of what we do here at Garage Gym Life Media. We believe that’s in the best interest of our customers across the home gym and larger strength sports communities and good for our brand. While many companies focus on the flashy, big name events, the heart of our brand is to serve the underserved, the competitions that most companies overlook because they don’t have the flavor of the month athlete in attendance. We always remember what it’s like to toil away in obscurity, feeling like nobody cares about our struggles and triumphs both on the athletic front and as a brand.

We Choose to Train the Willing

Our brand chooses to work with young people who have a desire to try a different path to success, especially if they are passionate about strength sports. If we want the strength sports we love to grow, we’ve got to include young people, especially those who may have not had opportunities in conventional athletics. I can tell you that it’s awesome watching young people grow up in sports like powerlifting, strongman, OCR and the like.

The Greatest Ability is Availability

As long as you’re interested in learning how to do media, our company has ample opportunities as a camera operator, photographer, social media management, even graphics, web design and media production! Our current camera operator started out running errands for us at powerlifting meets, then he moved up to taking pictures of the athletes and he now not only operates the cameras but also sets up our booth when our lead engineer is on another assignment! We’re happy to teach you what we know, just as someone once took the time to teach us. All you need is desire, patience and determination.

Creating Opportunities Takes All of Us

Creating opportunities takes all of us working together. As we grow, we’re able to do more and as more people partner with us, our reach expands along with our ability to identify willing talent. If you’re in the North Georgia area and you’d like to explore working with us, or you’re a brand willing to partner with us to give educational opportunities to young people in media, reach out. Let’s change the world. 

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