rep fitness monolift attachments are an awesome home gym upgrade

Awesome Home Gym Upgrade

Rep Fitness just posted an awesome home gym upgrade in their email newsletter! Rep Fitness now offers Monolift attachments for their 4000 and 5000 series racks.

According to Rep Fitness, “A monolift eliminates the need to “walk out” from the rack, allowing you to perform heavy lifts safely and with maximum stability. Our Monolift attachment features innovative details allowing it to swing more quickly and tuck away neatly.”

Pros vs Cons

Now there are drawbacks to this as COVID-19 plus the fact that this is a new product for Rep Fitness mean they’re still working out some bugs.

So for example, there’s a shipping delay of up to 21 days but, honestly, you’ve gotten by without it for this long, so another 21 days isn’t going to kill you when you compare it to how this attachment might change training for you going forward.

rep fitness monolift attachments are an awesome home gym upgrade

There’s also no UPS Ground shipping. According to Rep Fitness, “The packaging for the first production was insufficient, so to ensure they show up in the best condition possible, we only are allowing freight on this first production run. We are working urgently on future packaging requirements and should have UPS Ground available for a much lower cost“.

That might be a deal breaker because shipping is such a huge part of the cost of any purchase for your home gym but again this is the first production run. So if you happen to get a gift card to Rep Fitness this holiday season, you might be able to put that towards these monolift attachments in January.

Still an Awesome Home Gym Upgrade

This is great especially for flat benching because once you’ve gotten your perfect setup, it sucks coming out of it to unrack the weight from your J cups. With a monolift attachment, you can come straight out without losing tightness. These appear to be easy to adjust up and down which can be huge if you have multiple people training with you. For many of you, your young kids are going to grow up in a home gym environment, meaning by the time they hit middle or high school, they might be training with you and these monolift attachments will not only come in extremely handy be but you also won’t even remember the 21 day shipping delay.

Where to Shop

Get more information as well as place your order at


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