Klatre LS1 Bone Conduction Fitness Headphones Unboxing

Unboxing the Klatre LS1 bone conduction fitness headphones was a new experience for me. I’m normally anti Bluetooth headsets because I don’t like headsets that can fail because you walk away from the device or the battery dies. But these headphones had some features that I found intriguing.

The Number One Thing I Like About Klatre LS1 Headphones

Checking out the Klatre LS1

I like several things about these headphones including the fact that they don’t go into your ear! I’ve always hated having to get headsets to fit snugly into my ear especially when I’m training because the process of lying down to say, bench press, getting into position, unracking and re-racking the weight then standing back up has always made my headsets move around and sometimes fall completely out of my ears. That’s frustrating. Especially when you’re trying to concentrate on your technique. I’ve zero interest in holding 300 plus pounds over my face and being distracted because my headphones fell out of my ears!

Other Things I Like

I also like that I can hear really well because of the bone conduction function of the headphones. I tested them out on my treadmill and could still hear over the noise of the treadmill and my footsteps, even when I started running! That’s huge because I normally use our home gym while my wife is working in her home office, which is right on the other side of the wall. I’ve got to be careful about noise so I don’t disturb her when she’s on calls or just trying to concentrate.

Things I’m Still Exploring

I’m still not completely sure if I’ll be able to pair the Klatre LS1 headphones with our smart TV or not. I hope so because that will mean I can listen to YouTube videos or sporting events while I train without disturbing my wife. There seem to be a few hurdles to get over to make that happen so I’ll be checking to see if it’s worth the effort.

I also don’t know how well the headphones will stay on my head when benching. I’ve heard reports from some of my YouTube channel members that have similar bone conduction headphones that squats and deadlifts are fine but that the strap that goes around the back of your head gets in the way because it doesn’t sit snugly against your head. I wouldn’t like that at all.

Check Out My LS1 Unboxing Video on YouTube

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