
About Us

My name is John Greaves III and I’ve been a home gym owner for more than 20 years. I recognize that being a home gym owner can be lonely and without other gym members around you, it’s sometimes tough to get motivated to train. Plus, after the initial excitement of training wears off, it can be tough know how to structure your training. How do you prevent injury, what do you do if you hit a plateau? What do you do if you do get injured? These are all questions that I’ve wrestled with since 2001.

My wife, Naomi, and I started Garage Gym Life in 2016 to help home gym owners feel connected to the international home gym community and to provide you with the information you need to make the right decisions for you and to help you succeed in achieving your fitness goals while training at home.  

Need to outfit your own home training facility? Check out the links below to watch our equipment reviews and interviews with fitness industry insiders. Have a training question? We interviewed experts across multiple disciplines to help you get the answers you need to keep the gains coming. Or maybe you just need a little inspiration. Watch one of our home gym tours submitted by home gym owners from around the world to help you as you customize your own training space into the Best Gym In Town!

Meet Your Hosts

Image of John Greaves III, founder of Garage Gym Life removing headphones after his new podcast on YouTube

My name is John Greaves III and I’ve been a home gym owner for more than 20 years. In fact, although I’ve been training since 1993,  I’ve actually never had a gym membership. 

I grew up as a fairly skinny, inactive kid except for one season of football in high school. But eventually, I started lifting weights when I was in college in 1993 and never looked back. 

After college, I worked in a public gym for five years as a personal trainer and during that five year period, I also competed in kickboxing and earned a silver medal at IKF Nationals before enlisting in the United States Marine Corps as a reservist. 

In 2001 I left the job at the public gym and became a home gym owner and met my wife, Naomi, a year later.  Together, we’ve owned two garage gyms, constantly adapting our home gym to fit our training needs, from making sure that I could always pass the fitness standards for the Marine Corps to making sure that I had everything I needed when I began competing in powerlifting.

Today at over fifty years old, my focus is on remaining healthy and strong for many decades to come.

Hey, I’m Naomi Greaves and I grew up as a very active child, both from walking multiple blocks to school in New York City and from cycling and swimming on weekends. I played basketball throughout school and I earned a partial scholarship to college as a point guard. Today, as the mother of five children, four of whom were through natural birth, I mostly stay active through cycling on weekends and I’ve also completed several triathlons. I love fitness tech, and my videos on the channel reflect that as I explore the ways that fitness tech can help me stay on track with my fitness goals while balancing my responsibilities as a work from home professional, wife and mother.