2022 USPC Raleigh Ruckus Recap

The 2022 USPC Raleigh Ruckus was an awesome event with lots of great lifting! We had the pleasure of watching lifters Zachary “Zeus” Smith deadlift over 700lbs for the heaviest pull of the day and we saw some awesome lifting from young to old competitors!

Watch the 2022 USPC Raleigh Ruckus Replay

The full replay of the 2022 USPC Raleigh Ruckus is now available to watch and will be available for thirty days.

USPC Raleigh Ruckus Recap by John Greaves III
Click the image to watch the USPC Raleigh Ruckus Replay

Historic Moment for Garage Gym Life Media

The Raleigh Ruckus represented an important milestone for our young brand as it presented several growth opportunities. We want to serve lifters across as many federations and in as many strength sports as possible, so it was important for us to branch out into unfamiliar territory in order for us to continue to grow as a brand. The United States Powerlifting Committee had expressed interest in having us come to broadcast one of their events and it made sense logistically to kick off 2022 with this meet. We were also intrigued about the USPC as they were one of the first to increase the available weight classes for female lifters which we feel is a great thing for powerlifting in general.

  • This was our first livestream broadcast featuring a monolift – camera setup for a monolift meet is very different than for a meet with a competition combo rack. The sight lines are different and the amount of screen that the monolift occupies versus a combo rack are very different.
  • We operated with a reduced crew of only two versus our normal crew of engineer, camera operator, color commentator
  • The rules of the federation were different from what we had become accustomed to broadcasting
  • First time using a PPV (pay-per-view platform to stream)
  • Traffic delays during the trip – a major accident on the highway between Georgia and North Carolina, added an extra hour to the five and a half hour drive

The Show Must Go On

Despite the challenges, the show must go on and we were able to successfully serve the lifters of the USPC and their families. We’re grateful for the chance to serve and can’t wait to do another one!

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